Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2023
Gymletics Limited is committed to acting responsibly in all our business practices. We make sound decisions that consider social, economic, and environmental factors. We want to be part of a socially and environmentally responsible supply chain, sourcing and delivering worldwide and choosing business partners who share our company values and targets.
At Gymletics, our values underpin everything we do. People matter, and the well-being of our employees is crucially important to us. We continue to build long-term business partnerships and long-lasting relationships with our supply chain based on the fundamental principles of our Ethical Trading Policy.

The Gymletics Ethical Trading Policy outlines our commitments and the processes we require from all our product suppliers to demonstrate compliance and promising practices throughout the supply chain. Our suppliers are required to submit an annual independent audit to confirm manufacturing standards, compliance, and good working practises are aligned with our Ethical Trading Policy. Our Technical and Buying teams visit the factories when able and request updates on worker engagement programmes, sustainability and reviews of any corrective action plans in place. Informed by the best available information, we choose to work with suppliers who demonstrate ethical practices above what would be considered the minimum.
The Gymletics Ethical Trading Policy is based on the UK Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) base code, and our policies are based on International Labour Organisation (ILO) standards. This includes the fundamental principles:-
- Freedom of Employment
- The right to collective bargaining and freedom of association are respected
- Safe and hygienic working conditions
- Child labour is not acceptable
- All workers shall be paid a living wage
- Working hours are not excessive
- Discrimination shall not be practised
- Regular Employment is provided
- No harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed
Gymletics has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and human trafficking, which is reflected in our policies and controls on Ethical Trading throughout our product supply chain. We have established strong business partnerships with over eight product suppliers based in five countries, some of whom we have worked with for over three years. We will continue to nurture these relationships and remain true to our values.
In 2022, we introduced a Factory self-assessment programme to ensure workers' well-being, health, and safety were top priorities. We also collaborated with all our suppliers to navigate the impact of the Global Pandemic.
What has been implemented?
We ensure awareness is delivered in our induction training for all new head office employees.
How and when?
We discuss what Modern Slavery is, its impact and how the act applies to Gymletics. Each new head office employee who attends receives a guide with full details.
What are the next steps for 2024?
Modern Slavery awareness training has been added to our new "On-Boarding" guide for retail sales assistants, which will launch in Spring 2024. It will also be included in our online e-learning induction, developed for launch by the end of 2024. Updates will be made as needed.

Gold-sun Mhizha, CEO, Gymletics Limited
April 2024